Control Room in Metaverse
This use case aims to employ Extended Reality (XR), Metaverse and IoT technologies for remote, multi-agency and environment-tailored XR training and real-time visualisation of behavioural anomalies/ movement patterns. UC5 enhances the management of large events and situations of panic by contributing to improved decision-making and reduced intervention times in the event of an emergency on the side of emergency responders. The target environment is the events area at Valentino Park.
By already knowing elements such as the planimetry of the intervention area and the exact location of people, including those in need of urgent assistance (e.g., injured, wounded), emergency responders can save precious time and increase expediency. The control room will thus enable emergency responders to:
- Undertake immersive remote, environment-tailored, inter-agency XR training for mission planning, intervention protocol testing, real-time communications exchange, and mission debriefing.
- Access real-time analytics from sensors and cameras-detected data on movement patterns and behavioural anomalies. Analytics from in-loco sensors and cameras will be displayed directly in the metaverse application.
