Telecom Outdoor & Outdoor-to-Indoor Use Case
The telecom outdoor and outdoor-to-indoor use case aims to provide high-capacity communications for wireless access. This use case looks at the outdoor deployment of THz RIS and conventional THz transmitters. In the outdoor deployment scenario, the THz RIS is placed at a specified distance in the far field of the base station antenna in order to alter the propagation environment in a controlled manner. It is expected that the use of a THz RIS outdoors can provide coverage enhancement and spectral efficiency improvements. When considering the outdoor-to-indoor strategy, RISs are capable of acting as smart repeaters and provide further degrees of freedom in terms of coverage and performance, especially when line-of-sight links between transmitters and receivers are blocked. A RIS-based repeater can be passive (fixed beam) or reconfigurable. A passive-based repeater can be an extremely low-cost solution to allow the transmission of the sub-THz electromagnetic wave from one room to another room or from the outdoors to the indoors without using any power amplifier. This use case will provide a framework to resolve the challenges encountered in the outdoor and outdoor-to-indoor deployments.