Multi-domain deterministic communication
A great majority of scenarios of applicability for deterministic communications apply to single-domain cases, where
the network and cloud environments are restricted to the full control and manageability of the involved resources by
a reduced number of interworking and integrated stakeholders.
However, determinism can be required in situations where multiple providers and stakeholders having a loose
relation among them, intervene in the service provision and delivery as in the case of providing in-time or on-time
services across, for instance, multiple, sparse sites of industrial enterprises, holographic communications, or
distributed mission-critical applications. For that kind of service, it is relevant to guarantee latency and jitter
boundaries within some given values of relevance for the specific application, not necessarily of extremely low value but to be contained within some precise ranges.
PREDICT-6G will demonstrate through this use case the extension of deterministic communications to large-scale
scenarios in a multi-provider scenario by exploring a combination of control and data-plane mechanisms to ensure
in-time and on-time services (depending on how strict the guarantees are needed for the customer).