6G REMIX (6G Real-time Energy Monitoring for XR) aims to analyse the energy consumption of VNFs for Multimedia Streaming by monitoring and visualising real-time data. Determining energy consumption through measurements of the individual components along the streaming chain and collecting and analysing existing operating data on power consumption are essential prerequisites for modelling an end-to-end video streaming service. To achieve this goal, 6G REMIX focuses on enhancing the 6G-XR nodes, particularly the South Node (5GBarcelona), by developing tools and procedures for collecting and measuring energy consumption throughout the streaming chain, as well as recording and evaluating existing operating data. The measurement can be done by smart Power Distribution Units (PDUs) that can be integrated into third-party systems using various protocols (JSON, Modbus/TCP, MQTT-flex, ...) with open API.
In addition, 6G REMIX involves implementing an observation system that can show critical metrics related to energy consumption (e.g., voltage and currency of components), multimedia streaming (e.g., bitrate, resolution, and latency), and CPU and GPU processing in real-time.

Project Open Call 3rd-party funding