MAGDALENA (MeAsuring 5G anD sAteLlite nEtwork iNtegrAtion)
The MAGDALENA project focuses on converging terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks (TN and NTN) within 5G/6G systems, particularly integrating satellite components. This integration, standardised by 3GPP, is being explored through the 6G-SANDBOX Malaga platform, which includes integrated 5G and Starlink deployments.
We are conducting a comprehensive measurement campaign to assess the performance impact of integrating a satellite backhaul within the 5G network compared to terrestrial backhauls. We also compare the satellite-integrated 5G network with a satellite-only Internet connection. Various tests, including throughput and latency experiments, are being performed to capture both network and application-specific KPIs.
The results will provide valuable benchmarks for industries and SMEs to validate their designs and products. They will also serve as a resource for networking researchers to develop data-driven solutions for enhancing satellite-integrated 5G/6G networks. Additionally, the project demonstrates the capabilities of the 6G-SANDBOX infrastructure in TN-NTN integration analysis, leveraging Karlstad University's extensive experience in 5G and satellite system measurements and analysis.

Project Open Call 3rd-party funding